Marco Demichelis

Marco Demichelis (Torino, 1979) is Ass. Prof. in History of Islamic World and Islamic Thought within the Lilec (Languages, Literatures and Modern Cultures) department of the Alma Mater University of Bologna. He has been Senior Research Fellow in Islamic Studies within the ICS at the University of Navarra after having worked as Marie Curie Fellow (IF 2016) in the same and post-Doctoral Research Fellow within the Dept. of Religious Studies at the Catholic University in Milan (2013-2016).

Violence in Early Islam. Religious Narratives, the Arab Conquests and the Canonization of Jihad(IB Tauris, 2021) and Salvation and Hell in Classical Islamic Thought: Can Allah Save Us All?(Bloomsbury Academic, 2018) have been his last monographs; while, The Qur’an in History. The History of the Qur’an. From Canonization to Critique and Semantic Hermeneutics, Religions | Special Issue : The Qur’an in History. The History of the Qur’an. From Canonization to Critique and Semantic Hermeneutics (, has been his last Edited Special Issue.

He published around 30 academic articles on arguments related to Early Islam, Christian-Islamic dialogue and convivencia as Islamic thought in pre-modern and contemporary age, the most relevant of which released on Oriente Moderno, JNES, Aram, Parole de l’Orient, ASQ, Archiv Orientalni, Annali di Scienze Religiose, Religions, ReOrient and the Journal of Religious History.