
Travel to Thessaloniki:
The most common way to travel from your countries to Thessaloniki is by flying to Thessaloniki Airport. To enter Greece, you need a valid identification document (passport or identification card). Citizens of EU and EFTA countries do not need a Visa.

Transportation from the Airport:
Although there is a public bus to and from the Airport, the easy way to reach your hotel after a long travel day is by taxi (between 20-30 euros to/from the city center). For more information on transportation to and from Thessaloniki Airport please see here.

Conference Venues:
On Wednesday afternoon & evening, we will meet at the St. Gregory Palamas Educational and Cultural Foundation (under the auspices of the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Thessaloniki): Nik. Plastira 65.
All day Thursday and Friday morning, we will gather at the American College of Thessaloniki: Vasiliou Sevenidi 17.
On Friday evening, we will return to the St. Gregory Palamas Educational and Cultural Foundation for our closing session and banquet dinner.
More precise details will be available closer to the time of the conference.


Recommended hotels, where conference blocks will be reserved, include:
Egnatia Palace Hotel & Spa (****), approximately 100 EUR/night.
Domotel Olympia (***), approximately 85 EUR/night
For these two hotels, you will receive a discount code in your registration email. Be sure to register first, then proceed with booking. Check your spam folder!
Monasty Hotel (*****), approximately 210 EUR/night
Options for discounted student housing may also be available by special arrangement; please contact the organizing team if you are in need of such an option.


On Saturday, September 20, 2025, an optional day trip will be available to conference participants: A guided boat tour of the Athos Peninsula.
We will travel by chartered coach from Thessaloniki (departure location and time TBA) to Ouranoupoli, where we will board the boat. By boat we will explore the coast and learn about the history of the Athos Peninsula, and we will have the opportunity to meet Athonite monks who will come aboard for conversation with our group. We will not be landing on Mt. Athos and the excursion is equally accessible to men and women. On our return to Ouranopouli we will have lunch at a seaside restaurant before taking the coach back to Thessaloniki. 
The additional, all-inclusive cost of this excursion is 70 USD, which must be paid at the time of registration (as we will need to provide exact numbers to the bus and boat companies in advance of the conference). This price includes bus travel, boat tour, and seaside lunch.